What are blood components? How are they used? Is there any therapy based on the components of blood? What are the other things worth knowing about components of blood? All these medical terminology sometimes confuse us and we become loaded with questions. Let us understand something about components of blood.

What is blood?

We all know what blood is. But for those unknown to its medical definition, we can say that blood is an internal body fluid necessary for the body so that it can reach the organs of the body and help them to perform smoothly for the body to live.  Blood is always red in colour in Humans and all living beings.

In other words, “Blood is combination of plasma and cells also body fluid, that supplies sugar, oxygen and hormones to our cells in the body and they carry away wastes from our body by urine and other means.” It circulates through heart, arteries, veins and other organs of the body. Excessive loss of blood amounts to death.

Plasma contains about 55% of blood fluid in humans

According to Medilexicon’s medical dictionary: Blood is The “circulating tissue” of the body; the fluid and its suspended formed elements that are circulated through the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins; blood is the means by which 1) oxygen and nutritive materials are transported to the tissues, and 2) carbon dioxide and various metabolic products are removed for excretion. Blood consists of pale yellow or gray-yellow fluid, plasma, in which are suspended red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets.


The study of blood and its components is called hematology.


Blood helps in maintaining body temperature, fighting infection with help of cells, help in bringing waste products to kidney and clean them and also in forming blood clots to prevent blood loss.


Now that we know what blood is in layman’s term and also medically, let us get ahead to knowing some more about blood in terms of Components of blood and what they do.

There are many components of blood. The main components of blood among many are

RBC. (Red blood Cells), WBC. (White Blood Cells) and Platelets.

As we have seen above that plasma contains about 55% of blood fluid in humans that is almost half of the blood. So in an average adult, blood requirement is of 5 litres in the body, so the plasma contains about 2.75 litres of blood out of 5 litres.


There are many blood components. Some of them are Water, Amino Acids,Acetone, Aluminium,calcium, carbon dioxide, citric acid, ethanol, red blood cells, white blood cells etc. Let us look at some of the main components.

1. Red Blood Cells.

What are Red blood cells? How do they work? Red blood cells are tiny disc-shaped biconcave cells. they are also called erythrocytes. They don’t have any nutrients. They are rich in haemoglobin. That is why while donating blood, doctors’ check for haemoglobin in blood which makes it eligible for the donor to donate. RBC’s are made in bone marrow and they live up to 4 months. They are recycled by the liver.

When the Red blood cells die, the haemoglobin is stored in liver so new blood cells can be made. Medically there are about 5 million red blood cells in 1 cc. of blood.

RBC is responsible for transportation of oxygen. As said above, it is responsible for haemoglobin also. Lack of Haemoglobin produces anaemia with symptoms of pale skin and lack of energy in body. They have minimal metabolic activity.

Red blood cells during donation of blood are also used for heavy blood loss during accident, trauma or surgery.  They are known for their bright red colour as seen below. They can easily change shape and fit anywhere where needed in body.

Each red cell has about 270,000,000 iron-rich hemoglobin molecules.

In normal man body, the average number of RBC per cubic ml is around 5,200,000 and in normal woman, the RBC average number is 4,700,000. RBC’s may decrease when you move out to higher altitude level which results in less oxygen and breathing problems.

Red Blood Corpuscles


The liquid component of blood is called plasma. Plasma is a mixture of water, fat, sugar and proteins including salt. The job of Plasma is to transport all these to various parts of the body for better functioning of the body. It is also responsible for removing waste products related to metabolism. 55% of the blood’s volume is made up of plasma. They consist of 91.5% of water and rest with solutes. They consist of nutrients like fats, glucose and amino acids.

Blood Plasma

3.White Blood Cells.

White blood cells or WBC’s have no colour or they are colourless. They also have a nucleus. Their main job is to protect the body against pathogens. WBC’s are also called leucocytes medically. They are made up of bone marrow and lymphatic tissue. They make up antibodies in the system.

The white blood cells fight infections in the body and form a part of body’s defence system. WBC’s are given to people medically who are suffering from major infections and when normal medicines are not working.

They are helpful to fight bacteria, fungi, infections when they attack the body by destroying them or swallowing them. Doctors may know that a dangerous infection has entered the body when WBC’s increase in number.

Medically speaking as per Hematology.” The most common type of white blood cell is the neutrophil, which is the “immediate response” cell and accounts for 55 to 70 percent of the total white blood cell count. Each neutrophil lives less than a day, so your bone marrow must constantly make new neutrophils to maintain protection against infection. Transfusion of neutrophils is generally not effective since they do not remain in the body for very long.

The other major type of white blood cell is a lymphocyte. There are two main populations of these cells. T lymphocytes help regulate the function of other immune cells and directly attack various infected cells and tumours. B lymphocytes make antibodies, which are proteins that specifically target bacteria, viruses, and other foreign materials”.

Leukocytosis occurs when there is increase in number of white cells and leukopenia occurs when there is decrease in number of white cells.

White Blood Corpuscles


Platelets are small fragments or parts of cells but not cells. They are called as thrombocytes medically. Platelets are produced in bone marrow from stem cells. They help in blood clotting procedure. In case of injury, they gather at the site of injury near the injured blood vessel and help in platform formation so that blood coagulation can occur resulting in formation of a clot which covers the wound and blood leak is prevented. Excessive platelets are not good for body. If they are found to be excessive in the body, it may result in chance of heart attack or strokes. Lower than normal platelets also lead to excessive bleeding.

Platelets are donated by donors to people in need. Here blood is taken out in normal way from the donor and collected where required platelets are transferred to the patient’s body and Non-required blood is transferred back to the donor’s body.

The nucleus is not present in platelets.

The size of platelets is 1/3 the size of red cells. They have life of 9-10 days.

Blood Platelets

“@Why should people donate blood?

Safe blood saves lives.  There is a constant need for a regular supply of blood because blood can be stored only for a limited period of time before use. Regular blood donation by a sufficient number of healthy people is needed to ensure that blood will always be available whenever and wherever it is needed. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life.”

How much can we go through life by just expecting from others it is time we learnt to give something back to our fellow humans. And giving blood is giving life to someone.

“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. -Maya Angelou.”

Giving blood is the safest thing to do. You recover immediately. You just have to take  precautions by drinking lots of fluid and not doing any strenuous activity for just one day..

By giving blood you are saving a parent a child or a near dear relative.

blood donors are real heroes because they save lives.

Our blood donation drive is in Feb.

Please please tell your friends relatives and motivate them to donate blood. The details will be soon on facebook and our site. Please make it a success. Only your cooperation can make it a triumph for us. Looking forward .

  • Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on; ‘Twas not given for thee alone, Pass it on; Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another’s tears, ‘Til in Heaven the deed appears – Pass it on. ~Henry Burton, Pass It On

PS: Article is written by Anu Chopra, We are very thankful to her that she is voluntarily writing for us.

Can we donate blood just casually? Can any person of any age group donate blood? Can any person suffering from some ailment donate blood? We all have these type of questions mostly teenagers or young adults who are going to donate blood for the first time. They don’t have the basMINIMUM AGE AND WEIGHT TO DONATE BLOODic awareness of blood donating. There should be awareness of why to donate blood and most importantly when to donate blood. It forms an important part of doing service to humanity even if you are not eligible.


This is the first question a layman or a young adult has in mind about blood donation. What should be the minimum age to donate blood? Why is the minimum age required? What is the minimum weight one should have while donating blood?

Well, for starters, the minimum age for anyone who wants to donate blood has been fixed as 18 years by the government. Why? Because, before 18 years of age, a person is regarded as a child or young persons. Their bodies are developing into healthy bodies and they are under the guidance of their parents or elders. Their minds are not yet developed fully to take independent decisions. The moment a person turns 18 years of age, he is considered to be an Adult, fit enough to take his own decisions and has a fully developed body. Even if a country like India needs blood around 8 million units per year. His body should have a weight of around more then 45 to 50 Kilograms. That helps in fast rebuilding of Blood in the donor’s body after giving blood.


Now that we know about the minimum age, let us go to know the maximum age for adults who want to donate blood. In some countries, the age limit for donating blood goes to 70 or 75, while in countries like India; the age limit is 60 to 62 years. Why is there an age limit? Well, we all know the answers to this question somehow. At this age, a person may have some or the other disease in his body known or unknown to him, his body may not be ready to process new blood that fast resulting in failing health after donating blood. He may face some health problems like nausea, faint or develop other complications. He may also have diabetes or high blood pressure which may make him unhealthy after donating blood. The new blood formation process becomes slow. They face physiological problems.


Other then young children and old persons above age of 60 years, there are some other eligibility criteria for persons who cannot give blood or donate blood. Here are some criteria for those who want to donate blood.

Old Clothes Donation Event LetsNurture in Ahmedabad

Last Sunday on 23rd December we distributed  old clothes to slum area near Chanrdabhaga bridge , Ahmedabad.  We had started Old Cloth collection campaign and we got huge response. We distributed clothes with help of our team. It was really great pleasure to see everyone gathered for a social cause without any other thing. We are really thankful to everyone who helped in this event.. Long Event Summary will come later this week but here are some cool pictures of event.

Author:John Gray
Publisher:HarperCollins Publishers

No Matter which kind of relations you are . this is one of the best book to read for anyone who wants to learn human psychology.

From Where I can Get this Books

if you want to read this book you can take it from our Ahmedabad Address center..

“a woman’s cause is man’s they rise and sink together”
What is the mentality of men committing rape? Psychologists opine that rapists commit this crime because they want to show their power. Are the men so tremendously in need to show their power that they have gone berserk? Our society needs to question this grave problem or else men will have to be either in psychiatric ward or no daughters will be born! So much for the balance in the world! This issue defines severe gravity. Rise in Rape Cases are tremendous set back for Indian Society which was famous for openness and cultural harmony. Our culture is pioneer of respecting women. But it is not the case now 🙁

This is also a Guest Post by “Kavita Jhala“, she has volunteered her services to help us spreading awareness.


“Dress up the Cause”

Social Initiative By Let’s Nurture (www.letsnurture.org)

We need to steer clear of this poverty of giving, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to share or donate these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential – the potential of getting and also giving. Only then will the circle of attainment will be complete.

Kindness is a wonderful gift in itself.  Even the smallest, most simple act of kindness can make a difference in someone’s life in a very big way.

I am a great believer in random acts of kindness that reach across time and space to touch the life of another human being.  Acts of kindness are really not difficult.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could eliminate meanness, pettiness, gossip, criticism, judgement, polarity and blame by allowing the spirit of kindness to permeate our lives.

Enjoy the spirit of nurturing.  The spirit of giving.

Let’s nurture this quality of giving. What can you give? Old clothes, old blankets and any useful old things that give warm glow to the souls in need

We are inviting everyone to donate something for people who have no roof to save their shivering self from the harsh winds of the winter.

What’s more? We are happy to join hands with other like minded groups like Saathsahkar Group and Helpline Education for further outreach of this cause.

Facebook Event Lets Share What we can…..
On Sunday, 23 December 2012 from 11:00 onwards at Dasha ma nu mandir, Juna Vadaj, Nr. Vadaj Smashan Gruh, Ahmedabad

  • Any Old Clothes/ Old Garments
  • Old / Used Blankets
  • Old Soles , Shoes, Slippers

And of course you can give New ones if you want 🙂

We are open to monetary donation also.

We are expecting to donate around 1000+ Clothes / Blankets and other things during this winter.

Are you still waiting for things to happen? Be the change agent!

For any kind of help/inquiry/suggestion please call Ketan Raval at 9099605091. or Get int touch with any of us.. Such as Amit Panchal, Dipali Thakkar, Asmi Shah, Pratik PatelJignesh Patel, Jignesh Thanki

Look out for more updates on our spirit of giving progress here!

This is a Great Article Written by Kavita Jhala ..  She volunteered her skills for us… So we are deeply in respect for her.

ISBN: 9788172235154

Title: The Devil And Miss Prym

Author: Paulo Coelho

Publication:Harper Collings with The Times Group

Category: Fiction

A stranger arrives at the remote village of Viscos, carrying with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the answer to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? In welcoming the mysterious foreigner, the whole village becomes an accomplice to his sophisticated plot, which will forever mark their lives.

Want to read this book?

If you are living nearby Ahmedabad and want to read this book or borrow this book you can contact us.. we are happy to share our books to spread knowledge

Ageless Body Timeless Mind Book Title: Ageless Body Timeless Mind ..

Author: Deepak Chopra ,

ISBN : 9781844130443

“Deepak  Chopra is one of the most important healers of our time. Ageless body, Timeless Mind is a treasure, Having read this book, I feel younger than when I started it” – Marianne Williamson, Author of A Women’s Worth

Deepak Chopra is an author of 31 best seller books, translated in 35 languages… This book will help you …

Do you want to read this book ?

I have this book in my library .. if you want to you get this book just contact me on ketan@letsnurture.com …

the-first-time-cook-bookThe First Time Cookbook .. Foolproof Recipes For Beginners and Others…..

Author: Janet & Sayeed Rizvi

ISBN: 8172234910

If you are fond of cooking.. and want to try new recipe all the time.. this book will surely help you out.. A must for first-time cooks who had neither the time nor the inclination t learn from their mothers how to manage kitchen and now find themselves as a loss in their little flatlets. Setting up a kitchen, shopping for the store cupboard, peeling an onion or preparing the most delectable meals..if you want to read more recipes.. just drop me an email.