gonewiththewind-read-bookBook Title: Gone With The Wind

Author: Margaret Mitchell

ISBN: 0446365386

According to Post on Washington Post

” The greatest love store of our time, the story of scarlett o’hara and Rhett Butler.. Margaret Mitchell’s monumental epic of the south won a pulitzer prize.”

Do you want to read Gone with the wind?

I have this book in my library .. if you are fond of romentic novel and want to read this one you can take it from me.

In Last Week of January  2013,Mrs. Rachna Sharma  messaged us. She wanted to donate large number of old clothes of her father.  We collected all clothes and donated that to needy one in Ahmedabad. We deeply thank Mrs. Rachna Sharma for helping society for a noble cause. Here are some pictures who got these clothes. We have more pictures coming soon..  And Sincerely apologies for delay.. we have been trapped during whole March.. now we are  starting activities once again…

This is another good book to read by anyone .. special Sobhaa De kind of book .. share-your-books-spouseif you are fond of her writing “Spouse – The truth about marriage” will please you for sure..

ISBN: 0143032372

This book is all about managing your relationship with mother in-laws , perfect marriage, perfect in-laws and other thing..  it is kind of good for anyone who wants to read about marriage and relationship etc.

I have this book in my library.. if anyone wants to read this book. I want to share this book ..

Someone has written good review about Spouse.

solve-your-problems-birbal-way-luis-s-r-hardcover-cover-artBook Title: Solve Your Problems – The Birbal Way

Author: Luis S.R Vas & Anita S.r. VAS


Good Book for Kids… I dont remember when I bought this one.. and but in my free time I have read this book and my nephews has also read this..  Birbal is one of the clever minister in King Akbar’s Ministry..  He has solved many problems of Kings..

In this book you will be able to solve your problems the way Birbal solved his problems. … kind of entertaining books.

Blood banks. What comes to your mind when you hear that word? An angel like institution which helps you in getting the required blood you need for you or for your near ones. You put complete trust in these blood banks and get services for them. But do you know they are required to get license from the government stating that they are government approved. No one can start a blood bank just like that without the approval of the government. Why a license? Because, they may cheat you or give you very bad quality of service by giving bad blood to you. Let’s look and see in brief.



Blood banks are responsible for things like the taking of blood, storage of blood, grouping and cross matching, testing of diseases, blood transfusion and distribution and other things.


A right legal framework has been provided in Schedule X B of drugs and cosmetics Act and rules published by the Gazette of India which stipulates for mandatory testing of blood for blood transmissible diseases. The rules vouch for adequate testing procedures, quality control, standard qualifications, and maintenance of accurate records. The blood banks under the act require a manufacturing license.


Application for grant or renewal of licence for blood bank shall be made in to the Licensing Authority in Form 27-C with the licence fee of Rs.600/-) and inspection fee of RS. 200 in the case of renewal of licence. If there is any need for duplicate copy in place of original which has been lost or damaged, Rs 100 shall have to be paid in full.


There are some preconditions for blood banks to fulfil, if they want to operate. These Preconditions have been fixed by the government authorities. Let’s have a look at some of them

The operation of the blood bank or operation of blood products shall have to be carried out under supervision and direction of expert technical staff or at least 1 person who should be a full time employee, a graduate medical officer having experience of at least 6 months in a blood bank. He should have all the required knowledge of the blood bank and its operations.

There should be adequate medical staff in the blood bank. There should also be adequate space, plant and equipment for any of the operations of the blood bank.

There should be adequate arrangements for storage of whole human blood , components and blood products.


The original license under form 28-C unless it is suspended or cancelled shall be valid up to 31st December of the following year. The centre shall apply for renewal of the approval to the licensing authority three months prior to the date of expiry  of the approval.


 The blood banks shall maintain proper number of staff, equipments and plan for the operation of the blood bank. They shall also maintain necessary records and papers as specified in the law in

Schedule F, Part XII-B and XII-C.

The records and the papers will have to be maintained at least for period of 5 years from the date of starting.

The license will allow the inspector to check with or without notice any premises of the blood bank to his satisfaction where the activities are being carried out for the blood bank.

The license will also allow the inspection to check any records and papers as maintained by the blood bank and question if necessary.

There should be an authorized doctor, an authorized nurse, blood bank technician and laboratory assistants needed for blood banks.

The applicant shall be First Referral Unit, Community Health Centre, Primary Health Centre or any Hospital.

The applicant shall furnish an undertaking to the licensing authority that the consumption of Whole Human Blood or Components shall not be more than 2000 units annually.

The applicant should furnish the following:

Name of the medical officer responsible for conducting operation of blood centre.

Attested certified copies of MBBS or MD qualification

The Name and certified copies of qualification and experience of the blood bank technician.

The applicant shall furnish the source of procurement of Whole Human Blood / Blood Components namely the name and address of the Blood Banks.

*     The source of procurement of blood / components shall be from licensed Blood Banks run by Govt. Hospitals / Indian Red Cross Society / Regional Blood Transfusion Centres only.  

*     A letter of consent from the above Blood Banks who intend to supply Whole Human Blood / Blood Components to the Blood Storage Centres shall be furnished along with the application.

The Blood Banks who intend to supply the blood units / components shall test the following mandatory tests before supplying to Blood Storage Centres.

1.  Blood Grouping
2.  Anti Body Testing
3.  Hemoglobin
4.  HIV I & II Anti Bodies
5.  Hepatitis B Surface antigen
6.  Hepatitis C AntiBody

We know that we all have our individual blood groups. A family does not have same blood group but some members of family may have the same type of blood group. Blood group helps in establishing what kind of blood we have and if needed, which blood group type person can donate blood.


Let us see what a blood group is in medical terms. As per Wikipedia, “Blood group is classification of based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system.”

There are about 30 known human blood group systems recognised my medical fraternity.

Blood group of a person will not change in his entire lifetime exception to the fact that he may receive blood from another blood group type and his blood group may change on the account of that.

The AB and RH systems are important for blood transfusions.

Blood type is also made up in your body by combination of 2 genes from your parents-One gene from each.


A blood group has 4 types. They are Group A, Group B, Group AB and Group O. They are further categorised by positive (+) and Negative (-) as per their characteristics like:

  1. A+ (A Positive)
  2. A-(A Negative)
  3. B+ (B Positive)
  4. B- (B Negative)
  5. AB+ (AB Positive)
  6. AB- (AB Negative)
  7. O- (O negative)
  8. O+ (O Positive)
Blood Group A

If a person belongs to the blood group A, he has A antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and B antibodies in his blood plasma.  A group A individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups A or O (with A being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals with type A or AB.

Blood Group B

If a person belongs to the blood group B, he has B antigens on the surface of his red blood cells and A antibodies in your blood plasma.  A group B individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups B or O (with B being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals with type B or AB.

Blood Group AB

If a person belong to the blood group AB, he has both A and B antigens on the surface of his red blood cells and no A or B antibodies at all in his blood plasma

An individual with type AB blood can receive blood from any group (with AB being preferable), but cannot donate blood to either A or B group. They are known as universal recipients.

Blood group 0

If a person belong to the blood group 0, he has neither A or B antigens on the surface of his red blood cells but he has both A and B antibodies in his blood plasma.

A group O individual can receive blood only from a group O individual, but can donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (i.e., A, B, O or AB). That is why they are called UNIVERSAL DONORS


 There is a scientific process of knowing the blood group of the person. If the blood group of a person is mistakenly diagnosed, and he is given the wrong blood donation, his life may be at stake or in danger.

^ If you mix the blood with three different reagents including any of the three different antibodies, A, B or Rh antibodies you will get to know the blood group of the person.

^ Then you take a look at what has happened. In which mixtures has agglutination occurred? The agglutination indicates that the blood has reacted with a certain antibody and therefore is not compatible with blood containing that kind of antibody. If the blood does not agglutinate, it indicates that the blood does not have the antigens binding the special antibody in the reagent.

^ If you know which antigens are in the person’s blood then it is comfortable to figure out which blood group he or she is of.


We now know why It is important to know our blood group so that we can know whose blood to take for donation in times of emergencies or other medical tests.

The Body immune system produces proteins called as antibodies that act as protectors if other cells enter the body. Depending on which blood type the person has, your immune system will produce antibodies to react against other blood types.

We all know what blood donation means and what blood is. We also know why is blood donated and who is in need of blood, but we don’t know some simple facts of blood and blood donation. Knowing some facts of blood donation might help us in saving someone’s life someday or even one of our relative one day. Let us see some facts of blood in our body and also some of facts related to blood donation.


  • Two million red blood cells die every second in our body
  • 7% of human body weight is made up of blood. Wow!
  • Kidneys in our body help to recycle around 400 gallons of blood in our body
  • A normal healthy man has approx. 5.5 litres of blood in his body.
  • RBC (Red blood cells) in our body live up to 120 days.
  • Blood contains nutrients, hormones, red and white cellswaste products among other things.
  • There are mainly 4 types of human blood. They are AB, A, B and O.
  • There are some fun facts related to the blood type and the personality of a man as per his blood type.
  • The Red colour of blood is because it contains iron.
  • About 1 billion red blood cells are found in just 2 to 3 drops of whole blood
  • Cows have 800 and more blood types while dogs have 4 blood types.
  • It takes about 20 seconds to one minute for a drop of blood to travel from your heart to all of body and back to heart.
  • There is no substitute for human blood anywhere else on earth.
  • A newborn baby has blood of around 1 cup in his body.
  • The roar we hear when we place a seashell  to our ear is not the ocean, but the sound of blood through the veins in the ear.
  • The cornea of our eye does not have any blood supply from our body.
  • The amount of blood in your body depends on your weight.


  • Blood donation is needed for cancer, accidents, and surgery patients or for people who are suffering from disease or undergoing an operation.
  • A patient undergoing heart surgery needs up to 6 units of Red blood cells, A cancer patient needs up to 8 platelets of blood transfusions per week regularly
  • One blood donation can save up to 3 or 5 lives.
  • People in need of blood can receive blood from Blood type O people. The people who have Blood Type O are called universal donors. They can give blood to any blood group people.
  • 1 in 7 people in world need blood transfusion once in their lifetimes.
  • Before donation, blood collected is collected, tested for its use.
  • Average man has about 8 to 12 pints of blood in his body
  • You can give blood donation every 3 months. It takes 3 months to donate your blood medically, because the RBC’s get replaced in 3 months.
  • In India, the blood is preserved in blood bank for 35 days
  • India needs about 8 million units of blood per year.
  • Blood banks normally take about 350 ml of blood from a person’s body.
  • It takes about only 20 minutes to give blood donation.
  • Blood type is inherited like the eye colour in humans
  • It is said that more than 38,000 of blood donations are needed every day in world.
  • Less than 9% of world donates blood every year in the world.
  • Most donated red blood cells must be used within 42 days of collection
  • In the world of Blood donation, someone almost needs blood every 3 to 5 seconds.
  • If you begin donating blood at the age of 18 and you donate after every three months, you can save 500 lives.
  •  Every eight minutes, someone gives blood.
  • Less than half the population is eligible to give blood.
  • There are many types of blood donation namely: Whole blood donation, Plasma donation, platelet donation, automated donation and directed donation.
  • Around 10 million volunteers donate blood each year, out of which  30 percent  are first time donors
  • In India, blood donation programmes are held regularly by various NGO’s and government institutions. Now the social custom of having a blood donation campaign is prevalent at the time of passing away of a relative or an anniversary or a birthday
  • Hospitals mostly request blood type O from blood banks. Only 7% people in India have blood group O negative.
  • Need for blood will increase 5% each year
  • Only 4% of the eligible population in India donates blood.
  • There is shortage of blood in India of more than 40%
  • Statistics prepared by the Association of Voluntary Blood Donors’ Forum (AVBDF) on the percentage of voluntary blood donation to the total blood collection in individual state show that Tripura has ranked first in the list with 95.3%. Blood donation.
    West Bengal, with 85.1% of blood donation. Punjab with 84.9%, while Maharashtra was with 84.8%. Tamil Nadu, 91.9% of blood donation respectively.
  • In India, 94% of blood donors are males.
  • As per recent statistics, In India, people in the age group of 18-24 years donated the most amount of blood of around 53% .Those in the age group of 25-44 years made 29% of the donations. Around 19% of the donations were made by those aged 45-65 only.
  • India has 2 433 blood banks.
  • Most people who are reluctant to donate blood have their own reasons like, they want to give blood to only their relatives, they are afraid that they may catch some infection from needles or fear pain of needles or they are never asked about donating blood or never thought of it. Some people also don’t donate blood because their family and peers have told them not to do so.

In Gujarat, there are many blood banks and many generous blood donors. As we all know that blood banks thrive or operate when somebody is kind enough to donate blood voluntarily or by a campaign basis.

Ahmadabad is considered to be the financial capital of Gujarat and is also one of biggest cities of Gujarat. So, you can consider that it is also one of the populated cities. Now when a city is populated, there is bound to be demand of blood because of many health reasons. Let us see what and where of blood banks available in Ahmadabad.



In a layman’s term, a blood Bank is a place where blood is given to patients who are in need of blood in their body because of accident, trauma, burn, operation etc.

As per Wikipedia, “A blood bank is a bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term “blood bank” typically refers to a division of a hospital laboratory where the storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is performed to reduce the risk of transfusion related events.


Blood banks were earlier found only in hospitals. Now, they have come outside of hospitals in form of NGO’s or independent units offering service to people.

Blood banks in Gujarat have spread in villages as well apart from cities in last 10 years. This has helped rural villages to gain medical facilities in less cost and effective medical treatment.




Here are some major and good blood banks in Ahmadabad with their address as well as contact numbers. It is good and important to keep a small list of them for emergency need in future for you or for your relatives.

Adarsh Path Lab & Voluntary Blood Bank

Ist Floor, Samjuba Hospital, Bapunagar,
Ahmedabad – 380 024

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 22746672

Ami Pathology Lab And Blood Bank

Grd Flr, Laxmi Chambers, Ramnagar, Sabarmati
Ahmedabad – 380 005

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 27501202

Help Voluntary Blood Bank

4-7, Kotyark Complex,

Opp. L.G Hospital
Ahmedabad – 380 008

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 25463028


Mahagujarat Blood Bank

21, Parth Empire, Rambaug,

Near Maninagar fire station

Ahmedabad – 380 008

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 25451331



 C-13, First Floor,Soham Complex, Soni Chawl Char Rasta,National Highway No 8, Odhav,Ahmedabad – 382415  
Ashish Voluntary Blood Bank

A-103/104, Aasthan Complex, Panjarapole,
Ahmedabad – 380 015

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 26303090

Guj Blood Bank

101, Span Trade Centre,
Ahmedabad – 380 006

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 26584893

Green Cross Voluntary Blood Bank

201, Anilkunj, Nr Shefail Shopping Centre, Paldi,
Ahmedabad – 380 007

Tel:+(91)-(79) – 26577588, 26588824

Karnavati Blood Bank , Naranpura

36, Shubhlaxmi Complex, Naranpura ,

Sheth V.S. General Hospital &

Blood Bank


Tel: 079-26577621


Sheth L.G. General Hospital &  Blood Bank


Tel: 079-25461380 to 84

Indian Red Cross Society Blood Bank

18, Gujarat Brahmkshatriya society,

Behind Suvidha Shopping Complex,

Paldi. Ahmedabad

Tel: 079-26643833

Prathma Blood centre

Behind Jivaraj Maheta Bhavan ,

Vasna .Ahmadabad

Tel: 079-26600101

Crossworld Bank (Voluntary) & Sankalp Diagnostic

3-U/G Chandraprabhu Complex,

Sardar Patel Cross Road.


Tel: 079-26568004, 26401959

White Cross Blood Bank (Voluntary)

2nd Floor, Kandhari Building,

Opp.S.T. Workshop, Naroda Patiya


Tel: 079-22815227

Shrinath Pathology Laboratory & Voluntary Blood Bank

F-3, Keshav Complex, India Colony,



Tel: 079-22760861

Supertek Voluntary Blood Bank

‘Malkosh’, Opp.Krupa Petrol Pump,

Parimal Cross Road.


Tel: 079-26408181 to 83

Ashirvad Blood Bank and Sperm Bank

291 Sky View Complex

Gandhi Nagar,


Tel: 079-23221584

Shalby Hospital

Bokadev road,

Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway


Tel: 079-40203000, 40203154


Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute (GCRI ) New Civil Hospital Campus,Asarwa, Ahmadabad, – 380016Tel: 079 – 22688000, 22681433, 22688017

Samarpan Vidhyapith, Jodhpur Tekra,Near Ramdevnagar Bus Stand,Satellite, Ahmedabad-380015

Tel: 079 – 26860197, 26861055, 26862079, 55125402

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